(386) 788-9899

MOT Advanced Level Class
Certification Details
If registering for a Refresher Class,
certification must NOT be Expired &
Current Certificate Number is REQUIRED.
Class Price:
Class Duration:
Exam Details:
20 Hours
Open Book Written Exam
2 Hours Allowed
(class price includes manuals & exam)
Class Objective:
The Advanced Certification is required for personnel with responsibility or authority to decide on the specific Maintenance of Traffic requirements to be implemented, including the Engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development or the work zone traffic control Supervisor. This class is NOT required for submitting Traffic Control Plans for utility work, unless such persons have to sign and seal the Traffic Control Plans in accordance with the UAM.
Subject Matter:
The Advanced Course is required for all persons with duties including any of the following activities:
The Engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development
The work zone traffic control Supervisor
Personnel responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices, including temporary barriers.
Personnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of traffic control devices, including temporary barriers.
After completing the Advanced Course, the student will be able to:
Perform work zone traffic control planning, design, implementation, inspection and/or supervising the selection, placement, or maintenance of traffic control schemes or devices in work zones.
Provide proper and effective documentation in the event of a dispute.
Provide basic training to flag personnel.